Monday, June 7, 2010

Cell Phone Kick (new iphone today? iphone HD?)

My two year sentence with the current carrier is almost up. And thus, I'm on the prowl, looking into new cell phone options. I LOVE my crackle-berry, but this new cohort of smartphones has really caught my eye.

First I was excited about the NexusOne. Then the Incredible. However, after some digging I uncovered non-top-secret information: a new iphone is about to drop. I commandeered a guy at the mac store a few days ago who whispered: "its coming out June 21, and perhaps on more providers (rumor)."

Anyway, if you're interested in the latest news, visit this website (and rss this blog) for live updates on the WWDC (Apple's big yearly conference where Jobs does a keynote and they intro new toys):

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